donderdag 9 september 2010

Twitter LOLZ / Grapjurken op Twitter

Iemand heeft het idee opgevat alle tweets van rapper 50 Cent in correct Engels te vertalen. 50 Cent stopt z'n berichten vol nare slang, scheldwoorden en vage afkortingen, die de vertaler vervolgens op vileine wijze analyseert.

Vier voorbeelden:

@50cent Serena looks like she would tear a niggas ass up. I be like pick me up take me to the bed baby!lol
Serena (Williams) displays great strength. I find it sexually intimidating. I would like her to initiate intercourse with me. *laughs*

@50cent Any of u trick ass niggas or u money grubbing hoes don't like what I say. fuck all yal eat a dick

People who disagree with me earn my disdain.

@50cent My baby moma sent me nude pics. Damn I aint eat all day cause of that. What is the world coming too

The mother of my child has sent me naked pictures of herself which I found distasteful. I also worry about the future of mankind.

@50cent Shout out to all the groupies that never made it through the entourage to the important dick. Fuck that at least u tried girl!

I would like to make my appreciation known to all the women who have tried and failed to have intercourse with me.

Volg English50Cent op Twitter.

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